Monday, August 20, 2018

Interested Emotionally

Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy. While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head. The disciples were indignant when they saw this. "What a waste!" they said. "It could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor." But Jesus, aware of this, replied, "Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me? You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be remembered and discussed." Matthew 26:6-13

Old jar...empty and cast off in Israel.
The Cowen and Keltner’s human emotion study included the emotion of Interest. Interest—that is an interesting word. Isn’t it? Interest can be considered as attention, notice, curiosity, awareness, relevance and pursuit. I think Jesus experienced this interest as an awareness and definitely considerable attention as He was anointed with oil from the alabaster jar. A few drops of oil on someone’s head in that hot dry climate was a compassionate action. The kindness from that woman—love from her heart—as she poured that precious perfume oil on His head. What a unique blessing she provided Her Lord. Imagine the fragrance as it wafted through the room. Almost overpowering. She poured out the whole bottle…not just a few drops. Those around must have turned their heads. Sniff. The sweet fragrance. It was a precious, rich aroma. Everyone knew that was expensive perfume. Some of His disciples were indignant over the waste of money from that oil being just poured over Jesus. That oil could have been sold and the money used for the helping the poor, but Jesus was blessed by the action of that woman. She was preparing His body for burial. She probably didn’t know what she was doing…but He knew. He was aware of what was happening—and appreciated the action that anointing. She cared. As she poured the perfume on Jesus head—on His hair—she probably got the oil on her hands and now she had that lovely fragrance emanating from her, too. The sweet smell of reverence for her Savior.

How do you show your reverence and respect for Jesus? Is He your Savior? 

Prayer ~ Blessed are You, Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I would pour that sweet perfume over Your head…and not even consider the cost. You are worthy.

Daily Bible Reading: Habakkuk

© 2018 Text and photos by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
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