Friday, November 25, 2016

Wise Apples

Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry. Proverbs 25:11-12

To one who listens…Listen up. Listen. Hear what is being said. Can you bear to hear what is said to you? Is someone being critical—can you take it? Look again…the verse says “valid criticism.” So is “valid criticism” the truth? Once when Jesus was talking to some of His followers who believed in Him, He said… And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32. Who is the truth? Jesus told him (Thomas), "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me". John 14:6. Jesus is the truth that will set us free and the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts. And when He (the Holy Spirit or Advocate) comes, He will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment. John 16:8. For me, I judge myself more critically than others. I think that is the way it is for most people. We’re our own worst critics.  

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future. John 16:13.  If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. Proverbs 15:31. If you listen…and it is an honest analysis that gives you advice, with truth and compassion, then it will be like a golden apple—providing nourishment to your soul and freeing you from the sin, the mistakes about which the Holy Spirit is convicting you. Good, true criticism is worthwhile. Listen. If it is from God, it will make you wise. 

Prayer ~ Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth and the life. I’ll listen to what You say through the Holy Spirit and Your written word. I humbly acknowledge that Your words of advice are convicting, but welcome. I want to live to please You in all that I think, say and do.

Friday’s Feast at the King’s Table

Apples are plentiful now…including golden apples. An apple a day will keep the doctor away…or keep you away from the doctor. There are so many good nutrients in apples—including in the skin—so eat the whole thing. They contain many vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants which fight free radicals that cause cancer, and phytonutrients that help lower cholesterol. Results of eating apples –less heart disease lower chance of cancer, and a happy, healthy digestive system from all that fiber. Don’t eat the seeds—but it might be fun to try to plant them and grow more trees! Save seeds from a couple of different apples. Keep them moist in paper towels for about eight weeks in the refrigerator. Then plant them in pots indoors, but don’t let the seedlings dry out. When they get large enough not to get destroyed, plant them outdoors. It may take a few years, but what are you going to be doing in a few years with that time anyway?! For now try to incorporate eating an apple every day at breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack time.

Apple and Oatmeal with Chia Seeds

1 cup steel cut or old-fashioned oats (not quick cook oats)

5 Tbsp dry chia seeds

2 cups milk (coconut or regular milk)

1 Tbsp honey (or less to taste)

1 apple, finely chopped

2 Tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes, optional

Soak oats and chia seeds overnight in milk. In the morning, cook the mixture for five minutes, until desired consistency. Stir in honey and apples, then top with coconut, if desired. Serves 3 or 4, depending on everyone’s appetite.

Welcome Baby Andrew…Blessings~

© 2016 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.

All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
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