Are you and your family on a path of truth that leads to God? Kim and little Amelia hiking Badger Mr. |
1-2 My head is high, God, held high; I’m looking to you, God; No hangdog skulking for me. 3 I’ve thrown in my lot with you; You won’t embarrass me, will you? Or let my enemies get the best of me? Don’t embarrass any of us. Who went out on a limb for you. It’s the traitors who should be humiliated. 4 Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways. 5 Take me by the hand; Lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren’t you? 6 Mark the milestones of your mercy and love, God; Rebuild the ancient landmarks! 7 Forget that I sowed wild oats; Mark me with your sign of love. Plan only the best for me, God! 8 God is fair and just; He corrects the misdirected, Sends them in the right direction. 9 He gives the rejects his hand, and leads them step-by-step. 10 From now on every road you travel will take you to God. Follow the Covenant signs; Read the charted directions. 11 Keep up your reputation, God; Forgive my bad life; It’s been a very bad life. 12 My question: What are God-worshipers like? Your answer: Arrows aimed at God’s bull’s-eye. 13 They settle down in a promising place; Their kids inherit a prosperous farm. 14 God-friendship is for God-worshipers; They are the ones he confides in. 15 If I keep my eyes on God, I won’t trip over my own feet. 16 Look at me and help me! I’m all alone and in big trouble. 17 My heart and mind are fighting each other; Call a truce to this civil war. 18 Take a hard look at my life of hard labor, then lift this ton of sin. 19 Do you see how many people Have it in for me? How viciously they hate me? 20 Keep watch over me and keep me out of trouble; Don’t let me down when I run to you. 21 Use all your skill to put me together; I wait to see your finished product. 22 God, give your people a break from this run of bad luck. Psalm 25:1-22 MSG
Meditate. Think and pray about God leading you down the path of truth.
Mark me with your sign of love. Plan
only the best for me, God!
God is fair and just; He corrects the
misdirected, sends them in the right direction. … If I keep my eyes
on God, I won’t trip over my own feet. Look at me and
help me! … Keep watch over me and keep me out of trouble; Don’t
let me down when I run to you. Use all your skill to put me
together; I wait to see your finished product.
Like most people…I just want the
best. Give me Your best, Lord. That is my expectation of God. I like the idea
that if I’m looking up to God, I won’t be tripping over my own feet…and
probably not tripping over my tongue either. That tongue of mine can get me
into trouble sometimes and I’m more concerned about what I say than tripping,
although tripping leads to falling and we all know that is bad stuff for us
older people! So, an added plea is to watch over me. God has done some pretty
miraculous work creating human beings—but He isn’t finished with us yet.
I’m looking forward to exchanging
this body that is wearing out for a glorified body like Christ’s. Can you
imagine being able to walk into a room without opening a door?! Even after He
was glorified, Jesus wanted and needed to eat. I like food—so I’m looking
forward to continuing to eat well. Jesus was known by His disciples—although those
two people on the road to Emmaus didn’t recognize Him until He broke bread with
them. I find it encouraging that we will still know and be known by our
Christian friends that we see after we are all glorified. I’m looking forward
to serving the Lord—in whatever capacity He needs me in order to share and show
His love. Does that mean that we will be marked with a sign of love? Who knows.
At any rate, I am waiting to see God’s finished product.
Verses of Salvation ~ As God's partners, we beg you not
to accept this marvelous gift of God's kindness and then ignore it. For God
says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I
helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day
of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
Memory Verse of the Week ~ But now, O Jacob, listen
to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, "Do
not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1
© 2022 Text, photos, and illustrations by Mickey M. Hunacek. All
rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless
otherwise noted.
New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale
House Foundation.
Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream,
Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Biblical search from Blue Letter Bible -
Message (MSG) Copyright ©
1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H.
Books by Mickey M.
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Parenting Day By Day -
Daily Devotional for Building Character
Coins in the Bible: New
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