Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 5 - Accept Diversity

Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. Romans 14:1 NASB

Jesus accepted all sorts of people into His circle. Within His disciples He had a brash out spoken fisherman, a betraying, thieving money-keeper, a repentant, greedy tax collector, and a doubter. Other followers included a few thousand hungry people, a woman of ill-repute, a Jewish ruler--member of the Sanhedrin, and  non-Jewish people like Roman soldiers and lepers. A totally diverse group of people. God drew those people to Jesus to Himself to glorify Himself. As we reach out to others--tolerating--accepting our differences we bring glory again to our God--the creator and sustainer of diversity. Imagine how "diverse" heaven will be! 

Training tool - Have your children line up their dolls or toy trucks in a nice neat row. Then ask them which is their favorite. They will have a favorite. Share with the Romans 14:1 verse and explain that Jesus wants us to accept others the same--not choosing a favorite or passing "judgment" on others. If their "paint" is damaged, like one toy truck, or their hair is messy, like an old doll, we should still accept--tolerate them--like Jesus tolerates and accepts us.

 Lord Jesus, accept us as we are--but help us to change--to be transformed by knowing You--to be more accepting of others.

Friday Feasting at The King's Table
Whether we're around the fire pit at home or a campfire camping our family enjoys the tradition of S'Mores. Someone is always diversifying the tasty dessert with their unique creations. So give it a try for yourself. 

Graham crackers still are our traditional crust.
Chocolate bars come next. Variations:
     Reese's Peanut Butter Cups -- regular size
     Mounds Almond Joy candy bar
     A couple of bite sized bars like Dark Hershey's, Mr. Crunch, or KitKats
     Nutella --spread it onto the cracker
Now the marshmallow--roasted over coals in the fire--best NOT burned. Just a nice golden brown.
Squish it all together and enjoy!  Have a nice cup of hot chocolate with it.

What variation does your family do with this traditional fireside dessert? Let me know. There is still lots of time left this summer to try out new S'Mores. Yum!

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