Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3 – Living Water

John 4:5-42

Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, “Give me a drink.” …and to the disciples, “I have food to eat that you do not know about… Already he who reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life eternal…”

Have you ever spoken to someone who you wouldn’t normally speak to? Maybe a bum on the street or a rich lady in a fancy mall boutique shop? Would you ask them for a drink of water? I don’t usually do that, speak to people outside of my comfort zone, but that is just what Jesus did and He didn’t even say “Please,” just “Give me a drink.” What a conversation starter. Everyone needs water. Maybe offer those outside your comfort zone water, instead of asking them for some?

There is so much spiritual food in this passage! The “living water” that Jesus offered to the woman at the well is even more important than any glass of water---whether that water is in a crystal goblet or a plastic bottle. Living water offers spiritual life---eternal life. We are all going to live eternally---though not all religions teach this. Differences between monotheistic and pantheistic religions are so irreconcilable that it could be a life-time study just to compare and understand their views. In Christianity it is faith, repentance and trust in the Savior Jesus Christ that perpetuates eternal life. I’ll take that living water that Jesus offers.

He continues to speak of harvest and “gathering fruit for eternal life.” Fruit for eternal life. Is that apples, figs, or grapes? No. It seems that He is referring to souls. Harvesting people. Saving them from eternal damnation. One sows, another reaps. When someone “sows,” they are planting the seeds of the concepts, ideas, faith in God and thus helping other people to understand. I’m glad that my Mom, my grandmothers, and my Sunday School teachers, like Mrs. Howe, taught me about Jesus in a way that I could value their values and beliefs. Seeds of love, compassion, and an understanding of humility sown into my very heart and soul.

Lord, help me to share Your love and compassion and to plant seeds in others hearts that they would come to love and respect You as I do and that they too will be seated one day at Your banquet table in Heaven.

© 2012 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.

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