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No one knows the hour...or the day of Christ's return. |
Watch out! We don’t know the hour or the
day when Christ will return. Only the Heavenly Father knows when He will send
His Son, Jesus Christ, back for His church. Be prepared. Jesus tells us over
and over…be prepared…be alert…keep watch. The Heavenly Father has promised that
His Son will return to earth and
Jesus confirmed that when He said…I will.
"Do not let your heart be troubled;
believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling
places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place
for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and
receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." John
14:1-3 NASB
This parable tells about a man going on an
extended trip who told his servants to work while he was gone and to watch for
his return. We are to do the same as we wait for Christ’s return. Work and
watch. The Lord doesn’t want us to be lazy. We need to work for Him and being able and willing to
work is such a gift no matter what the age. Work, but don’t get so over
committed that you fail to keep watch or be prepared for Christ’s return.
Are you watching and waiting? Are you
prepared spiritually and physically? Will Christ’s return even be our lifetime?
~ Lord, open our eyes that we would be prepared for Your return. Help us to
witness in such a way that we would draw others to You thus enlarging Your
church…on earth as it is in heaven.
Bible Reading: Isaiah 31-34
2017 Text and photos by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
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