Friday, July 8, 2016

A Wise Man’s Interpretation

Daniel replied, "There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king's secret." Daniel 2:27

Only God could reveal the king’s secret and that was through Daniel. Daniel was a wise man…actually still a very young man at this point in his life. He and other Jews had been taken captive by King Nebuchnezzar and forced to walk over 500 miles to Babylon…to live out the rest of their lives. Daniel was blessed with wisdom by God and because of that he could do what the king asked. That was to tell the king not only the interpretation of his dream…but the dream itself. That is amazing. By doing that Daniel came into the kings good graces and saved the wise men of the kingdom from certain death. They couldn’t tell the king the dream and interpret it. It is a terrific dream—that makes for good story telling. Read it for yourself in Daniel 2. The king made Daniel a ruler over the providence of Babylon and the head or governor of the wise men. That’s a pretty good reward for interpreting a dream. God blessed Daniel and thus all of the Jews there. But life is never easy and Daniel faced more trials. He continued to seek God daily. Daniel was a good example for us…we should live like him—eating healthy foods and seeking God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. How would you rate yourself as a Daniel type person on a scale of one to five?  I’m about a three…eating mostly healthy foods and usually seeking God daily—but maybe not three times a day like Daniel did. I do ask for His blessing on my food…at every meal no matter where I am. It’s a family ritual…and we not only give thanks for the food, but for who God is to us as well. That is what Daniel did and eventually, Nebuchadnezzar did, too.

Prayer ~ Oh King of Heaven, I praise, extol and honor You, just as David and Nebuchadnezzar did. Your ways are just, faithful and right. If I have pride in my life, show me how to be humble. From Daniel 4:37.

Friday’s Feast at the King’s Table
My food mantra for several years has been…If you don’t buy it, you won’t eat it. When I go to the store I avoid buying candy (except occasionally an intense orange, dark chocolate bar with nuts), cookies, chips, snacky crackers like Cheetos, cakes and white bread or rolls. If I don’t buy them, I won’t eat them. Of course, that means that I can’t put them on my husband’s shopping list either! He does a lot of our grocery shopping. He knows I do like dark chocolate—but I don’t like the non-nutritional calories associated with any candy, even chocolate. There is a heart healthy benefit touted with dark chocolate, and so like many friends and my favorite aunt, I do occasionally have some dark chocolate, but I try not to make it a daily occurrence.
Pumpkin Seeds - Roasted and Seasoned

Conversely…you will eat what you buy…or grow. So when hunger or the munchies attack I like to have some healthy snacks available. Here’s a short list of good snacks to keep handy. Some of these, like the almonds and dates are sure to have been available there in Babylon and on Daniel’s healthy diet.

Almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, organic macadamia nuts, dates, and raisins. You can eat these individually or mix them in equal amounts, or any ratio you desire. Then store them in a glass jar with a lid right on your counter or in a small plastic bag in your car or purse so you can grab a handful whenever you desire. Do beware that nuts are not low calorie and you will still need to refrain from eating pounds of them at a time, or you’ll be gaining pounds.  

© 2016 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
Biblical search from Blue Letter Bible -

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