Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29 – Leap of Faith

Matthew 7:28-29
“The multitudes were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching as one having authority, and not as their scribes.”

They were amazed at His teachings---we’ve grown up hearing about Jesus---and His teachings are the basis for our lives. We need to have that fresh amazement…and on the “leap year” day, we need to step out in a leap of faith and share His good news with others who may not know just who Jesus is---or what He taught. Seek out someone today at the grocery store, gas station, Starbucks, or somewhere you don’t normally go---and share Jesus with them.

Lord, give me boldness today to share you with even just one other person.  May our paths cross with time to speak and allow us to connect with each other and with You.  Give me just the right words to say.

Take a Leap of Faith. Find and share the joy in your life.

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