Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11 - Adultery

Matthew 5:23-32 
Reconciliation, adultery, divorce. Jesus didn’t mince words. He wants people to think pure thoughts and to seek good relationships then and now. Holiness unto the Lord. If we can just think pure thoughts—our actions will follow. A motivating factor here may be that we’ll be more pleasing to other people and ourselves, but the real one is to please God.
A fact that either few people know or want to acknowledge, is that if someone is unmarried and they have a relationship (relations) with another person---that person is someone else’s spouse. Maybe not that day---but someday. To have relations with someone else’s spouse is ADULTRY. Don’t break one of the Ten Commandments for a moment of self-serving pleasure.
Jesus also taught (v. 28) that to whoever looks at a woman lustfully (or for a woman to look at a man lustfully), that is to think about an adulterous act, is guilty of it. So keep your mind, as well as your eyes and your hands, holy and pure. How are you doing with that?
Lord—give us grace to be holy in our thoughts, words, and actions, that we may be pleasing to you.

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