Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24 – Golden Rule

Matthew 7:12
“However you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

The golden rule is recognized around the world as the way to treat other people. Simply behave towards other people the way you want others to treat you. Sometime children will hit others…so training them to be kind and not hit other children so that they don’t get hit back is a good thing. This can be verbal as well as physical…don’t say unkind things to others---so that they don’t say rude and unkind things, too. Don’t let them say things like “dummy” and “stupid”. So do you treat your children and others the way you want to be treated? Children, watch your actions and reactions…and hear the words you speak---so let them be the same as you want to be treated.

Now if only the nations of the world would get the big picture and treat other nations (and individuals) the way they want to be treated. Is peace a dream?

Thank you Jesus for being such a good example for us. Help me treat others the way I want to be treated---like a royal princess.    

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