Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2 – More Kings Arrive

Matthew 2
Magi, or kings, from the east arrived in Jerusalem and asked King Herod, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” for we have come to worship Him.
It was prophetically written in Micah 5:2 that a ruler would be born in Bethlehem, so Herod sent the magi there.  As predicted they found Jesus with Mary and Joseph in a house.  They gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Camel Crossing - Israel 2007

Gold was symbolic of Christ’s deity, frankincense of His purity, and myrrh of His death, since it was used for embalming.
Christmas pageants always depict the Magi in royal robes.  King Herod probably put on a feast for these Magi, since it wasn’t everyday that royalty from distant countries visited Jerusalem.  When the Magi came to the home of Jesus—it was a humble house—but not like the stable in which He was born.  Mary likely would have offered them a meal of some bread, dried fruit, and yogurt.   Had they known the Magi were coming they could have prepared a meal fit for a King.   
Likewise, we don’t know when Christ will return---so be ready, don’t worry you won’t have to have a meal prepared for Him.  Remember that He promised that He is going to prepare a place for you (John 14:2) – Heaven, His home where He will rule as King of Kings---not just King of the Jews.
Will the Magi be there in Heaven?  Likely, yes, but maybe not riding on camels.  How could they come all that way to Bethlehem, worship Jesus as a baby and not “believe” in Him?  Like Thomas in John 20:29, they probably believed because they saw Jesus.  Who can you share Jesus with so that they may believe in Him, even though they have not “seen” Him?
Lord, thank you for creating the wonderful camel, for comng to earth as a baby and as our King of Kings.  Help us to share you with others that the banquet table in your Heavenly Home will be filled with people.

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