Friday, August 25, 2017

Can You Learn from the Fig Tree?

And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather His chosen ones from all over the world—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.

Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is very near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. Matthew 24:30-35 

The very words of Jesus—of course, spoken originally in Hebrew or Aramaic.  In this parable Jesus points us to the fig tree—a common tree known as one of the seven healing fruits of the Israelites. Figs are mentioned 45 times in the New Living Translation, beginning with Adam and Eve’s episode in the Garden. They tried to cover their bodies with fig leaves. Just how did they do that? I have a small fig tree and those leaves are not very big. I’ve wondered just how Eve managed to weave the stems together...or maybe she used a vine to wrap them securely. But then the leaves would dry out and she’d have to start again. Of course, about then God intervened and killed an animal to provide skins for Adam and Eve to wear. What lesson do we learn from the fig tree? Jesus was responding to His disciples questions about the end of the age and the sign of His coming. People today ask the same question…and Jesus has given us the answer. Watch. When we see things happening, the time is near. Things happening…not the fig tree getting leaves and fruit, but things that Jesus had told them which are recorded just before this parable. 
Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah.' They will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don't panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won't follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come." Matthew 24:4-14

The end will come. Are you watching? Are you ready? Are you listening for that trumpet blast?

Prayer ~ Jesus, You promised that Your words will never disappear. Open our eyes to see Your words in action around us that we would not be deceived. Prepare our hearts to endure the persecution that we may have to face and give us the strength to proclaim You as our Lord, our King and our Messiah. May Your will be done…on earth as it is in Heaven.  

Daily Bible Reading: Lamentations 1-2

Friday’s Feast at the King’s Table

Have you ever eaten a fresh fig? Ahhhh. As a kid I always like Fig Newton Cookies…and like Brian Regan, a serving is a sleeve of cookies…not just two. Those cookies are probably made with dried figs and dried figs are good at Christmas time on those dried fruit trays that we often get and give over the holidays. But fresh figs are the best. Figs produce fruit twice a year, in the spring and in the late summer. My family and I have enjoyed several fresh figs off our new fig tree this year—and we look forward to many more years of fresh figs. One day we’ll have enough to enjoy at a family feast as we sing…Oh bring us some figgy pudding.

Fresh Figs
The figs turn a nice dark brown and are soft when they are ripe. You merely have to give them a little twist or pull—and there you have a fresh fig in the palm of your hand. Slice and serve fresh. There are so many nutrients packed in those little figs, like potassium, calcium and iron and well as lots of fiber. They are sodium, cholesterol and fat free. Figs are known to be good for infections in the stomach, intestines and urinary tract, as well as removing excess mucus from the nose and throat. Lots of other health benefits—so what are you waiting for? Go get some figs! Eat them fresh while they are available.
© 2017 Text and photos by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
Biblical search from Blue Letter Bible -

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