Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20 - Wheat and Tares

Matthew 13:24-43 

Jesus told another parable about another sower, relating it to the Kingdom of Heaven. In this parable good seed was sown in the field, but the enemy came into his field while he was sleeping and sowed (tares) weeds among the wheat. When the seeds came up, there were wheat and weeds growing together. The slaves of the landowner wanted to gather the weeds out of the field, but the landowner said “No, the wheat would be pulled up with the weeds.”  So they waited until the wheat was ready to be harvested and then went in gathered the weeds and burned them, and then gathered the wheat into the barns.

Last summer when I was weeding my garden, I thought maybe I should leave the weeds so that the good vegetable plants wouldn’t be pulled up, too. NOT!  Sometimes it is just lazy to not weed. In the garden, the weeds will just take over if I don’t keep up with them---and they’ll choke the life out of those veggies---take up the nutrients, water, and sunlight that the plants really need. If I keep up with the weeding, the weeds won’t take over---but I have to be careful not to pull up the good plants with the weeds. Without the weeds, the garden provides good food to serve at the table. In this parable the young plants, wheat and weeds, are growing together, roots intertwined. The landowner made the right decision to not pull up the weeds until the harvest.

So like the weeding process, that is how it will be when Jesus returns. The tares---the bad people will be gathered up and thrown into the fire (hell) and the good people will be gathered up and put in the barn (heaven). Let’s be sure that we are among the good wheat gathered into our Heavenly Father’s barn. There’ll be a great party in that barn with lots of good food! I want to be there, how about you?

Lord, let us be like the good wheat that was gathered into the barn.

© 2011 by Mickey M. Hunacek.  All rights reserved.

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