Friday, December 14, 2018

Thank You Lord—Victory and No Fear

Advent Lectionary Readings
Isaiah 12:2-6
Amos 8:4-12
2 Corinthians 9:1-15

See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! In that wonderful day you will sing: "Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! Sing to the LORD, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world. Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you." Isaiah 12:2-6

This is the time of the year to sing—and listen to wonderful Christmas music! How many different Christmas carols and songs do you know and love? Most of them are joyful…and then there are others—that you just don’t want to listen to and wonder how anyone can come up with such weird songs. Do you really want to sing “Christmas Cha, Cha, Cha”… “I’m Gonna Lasso Santa”… “The Santa Clause Boogie” or…“Santa Teach Me to Dance”? The list could go on and on…but we still have uplifting favorites that focus on Jesus—the real reason for the season. Away in a Manger, Silent Night, The First Noel and O Holy Night are just a few examples. One of my favorites is “The Christmas Song”…chestnuts roasting on an open fire—although it mentions more about Santa than Jesus—the message is Merry Christmas. Christmas is Christ and I can just hear the Yuletide carols being sung by a choir and feel that cold crisp air we associate with Christmas time. But the weather has nothing to do with the birth of our Savior—in actuality He wasn’t even born in December. This is just the traditional time that we recognize and celebrate His birth…and the light—His light—coming into the world. Make known his praise around the world. Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.  

There are unreached people all around the world—but generally most of the civilized world knows about Jesus…whether they recognize Him as their Savior or not. That is everyone’s choice ultimately for He does live among us and WITHIN those who chose to have a relationship with Him. Have you told anyone lately about Jesus…and what He has done for you? Do you see what He is doing in your life? Is it just providing you with a parking place, a smile from a stranger, or a true peace in your heart and life? Jesus wants to be more to us than just a baby in a manger…or a great story teller. Does He have your attention and are you willing to share Him with others? You’ll have a bigger impact in telling others—tell the nations—about Jesus if you really can see Him working in your life and can explain His impact. Think about it. Like one of the Christmas carols says…prepare Him room. Prepare Him room in your heart and life.

Prayer ~  Lord Jesus—I sing for joy during this Advent season. I am preparing room for you in my heart and life—come into my heart and shine through me in a way that is pleasing to You and draws other to You. Joy to the World. Let Heaven and Earth Rejoice.
Daily Bible Reading: Acts 27-28
Advent Random Act of Kindness - Let someone go in front of you in line.

Friday’s Feast at the King’s Table
Thirsty? Enjoy this terrific, very authentic Chia Tea on a cold winter day. It can also be served iced. This is made using an Instant Pot pressure cooker, but can be made in any pressure cooker, or simply steep the tea and spice together with boiling water, for at least ten minutes, and then add hot milk.  The flavor of the tea prepared in the Instant Pot is very smooth, yet intense and satisfying. Enjoy with cookies or an Indian meal.

Tea Time
Instant Pot Masala Chia 
6 black tea bags
3 cups water
1 cup regular or almond milk (plus an additional 2 cup of milk used when serving the tea)
4 tsp sugar
4 whole cloves
8 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp fennel seeds
8 green cardamom pods
8 thin slices fresh ginger

Place all the ingredients (except the extra milk) in a heat safe container, preferably one with a pour spout. Cover the container with foil. In the inner line of the Instant Pot, pace two cups of water and a trivet. Put the foil covered pot on the trivet. Cook on HIGH PRESSURE for 4 minutes. Then allow the pressure to release naturally for 5 minutes. Release the remaining pressure. Strain tea. Add additional milk, or not, as you prefer, to taste. Serve warm.

Only 11 Days Until Christmas

© 2018 photo and text by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
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