Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sweet Speech

The wise in heart will be called understanding, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness. Proverbs 16:21  

Sweet words and kind actions can be very persuasive. Think of the last time someone persuaded you to do to go to a sporting event or movie with them. They didn't exactly hit you over the head with a two-by-four or swear at you to get you to go—no, they were smiling, friendly, and maybe even jovial encouraging you to join them. So if you want to persuade someone to do something with you...or understand something from your point of view, then pour on the honey and sweetly persuade them 

Training Tip – Make a list of “sweet” words like: honey, sweetie, cutie pie, sugar. Is it the words or the way that they are used that make them persuasive? With whom could you actually use those words? Family or close friends? Most strangers or acquaintances would find those enduring words offensive. I personally don’t like to be called “honey” or “sweetie” by strangers—even if they are bringing me my dinner at a fancy restaurant or cutting my hair. Consider how you speak to others to people. Are you using sweet words…or saying words in sweet ways to persuade them. Remember that you are a walking example to your children.  

Lord Jesus, help us to kindly and sweetly speak words of encouragement to persuade others to know more about You.

All scripture quoted from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.
© 2013 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.

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