Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13 Finding Favor

Ruth 2:10-11

Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground and said to him, "Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?" Boaz replied to her, "All that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your husband has been fully reported to me, and how you left your father and your mother and the land of your birth, and came to a people that you did not previously know.

Venturing out beyond our safety zone puts us in an area where we feel uncomfortable and at risk. Here is Ruth in a foreign land, gleaning, and the big boss owner comes and talks to her personally. So she is falling on her face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone “fall on their face” like that before, though I have seen people so humbled in prayer that they’ve put their face on the floor.  Actually once that did happen to me. I started out praying sitting down, then I was kneeling and soon I had my face to the floor, humbling myself before God. He touched my very soul, showing me how I looked to Him.

It must have been a humbling experience to be gleaning—let alone to glean and have the Boss come talk to you. In the story of Abigail and David, Abigail falls on her face before David (1 Samuel 25:23) pleading for David to not pay attention to her foolish husband Nabal who was not willing to share his food with David and his men. David did listen to Abigail, and not only accepted her food gift, but eventually after Nabal died of a heart attack, David married Abigail. Falling on one’s face, humbling yourself before another person is a good thing. Boaz recognized how much Ruth had given up, her family, homeland, customs, in order to be a helpmate to Naomi. Have we given up anything to have a relationship with God? No matter what that is, home, family, prosperity, old friends or old ways, it is worth much more to seek God and His goodness, His good ways.

Heavenly Father, help us to see ourselves as you see us and to give up our old life for the new life you offer us in Christ.    

© 2012 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.

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