Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16 – Talents

Matthew 25:14-30

A man about to go on a journey gives three of his servants five, two and one talents, respectively.  The one given five, immediately traded with them and earned five more.  The one given two talents gained two more, but the servant who had been given one talent buried it.  When the master came back he rewarded the servants who had made money with a promise that their faithfulness would result being put in charge of many things and they could enter into their master’s joy.  The one who buried the money did so out of fear and he gave the one talent back to his master.  The master reprimanded the servant that he should have at least put the money in the bank and earned interest on the money. So the talent was taken way and given to the servant who had ten.  For to everyone who has shall more be given, and he shall have an abundance but the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken way.  The worthless servant was cast into the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

When I give a gift, I always try to make it something practical. That’s just me. Don’t waste money on frivolous things. I like to give my grandkids gifts of toys, books and clothes that they can really use.  Even for toddlers though money is more useful since it can be saved for their college education, while clothes are quickly outgrown, toys become just another dust collector on the shelf after their uniqueness wears off, and the pages of books get ripped. Personally, I like to receive gifts that are useful, that don’t just sit on a shelf collecting dust, hoping for a time to be regifted or buried in the backyard---like a dog bone.

Could those “talents” that Jesus taught about be more than money? How about real talents and spiritual gifts that the Lord has given each of us? Invest what is given to you! How can you “invest” in talents like music, poetry, or painting? Using those “gifts” will increase their value to you and others. Don't bury your creative abilities. I’ve found that talent not used fades away. I love to paint butterflies, in the Chinese style. If I'm not writing...I'd rather be painting.

As for spiritual gifts, those need to be used, too. Have you discovered your spiritual gifts? There are numerous spiritual gift inventory tests available that you can use to evaluate your particular interests and establish your gifts of faith, service, craftsmanship, discernment, apostle, hospitality, creative communication, teaching, encouragement, mercy, giving, prophecy, evangelism, leadership, exhortation, shepherding or administration. Some evaluations can be found online, just Google or Bing: Spiritual Gifts. In scripture, gifts of the Spirit are discussed in 1 Corinthians 12. Feast on the words of Jesus and look forward to entering into your Master’s joy. The joy of heaven.

Lord, help me to see the talents you’ve given to me and how to invest those talents to please you.

© 2012 by Mickey M. Hunacek.  All rights reserved.

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