Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8 - The Lord visited Abraham and Sarah

Genesis 18:1-16
Three men visited Abraham and Sarah.  Abraham provided water for them to wash their feet and Sarah baked them some bread---using fine flour.  He took a tender and choice calf and had a servant prepare it---and served it with milk and curds.  The Lord told Abraham that within the year Sarah would bear a son.  She laughed to herself.  “Why did Sarah laugh?” The Lord asked Abraham.  Is anything too difficult for the Lord?
Abraham prepared the best for those visitors.  Obviously this was before the Israelites were forbidden to serve meat and dairy together---so Abraham’s offering to the Lord included both.  What a meal to set before the King!  A choice calf---after some fine bread as an appetizer.  What have you offered to the King today?  Your best? 
Sarah laughed---she knew she was too old to have a child.  But God Himself had promised.  Nothing is too difficult for the Lord.  A similar thing happened with Mary and the angel before Jesus birth (Luke 1:37)....nothing is impossible with God. Mary wasn't too old--just in a different situation.
Treat your visitors as if they were the Lord---give them your best.  Keep your sense of humor.  Don't laugh at promises---look at the possibilities.
Lord, thank you for possibilities in our lives, for laughter, and love.

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