Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22 - Joseph in Potipher’s House

Genesis 39
Joseph became successful---as successful as a slave can become---in Potipher’s home.  In time he became the overseer of the house and all that Potipher owned.  The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s home and fields because of Joseph.  Every meal in that home was probably like a banquet---with handsome Joseph presiding at the table.  Unfortunately Potipher’s wife noticed how handsome Joseph was and wanted him for herself—but Joseph was a man of integrity and wouldn’t have anything to do with another man’s wife.  So she accused him of bad actions and had her husband throw Joseph into jail.  Even in jail, Joseph found favor and was put in charge of the other prisoners.  The Lord continued to bless Joseph.

Have you ever been accused of doing something you didn’t do?  How do you think Joseph felt?  All he could do was be obedient to his master and go to jail.  The food there was likely not as good as the food at Potipher’s house…and although he was “blessed” in the jail, it was also likely to be a dreary place.  But the Lord was with him.  God has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deut. 31:8; Hebrews 13:5).  Always hang onto that promise.  He is with us no matter where we are---but we do have the free will to choose where we go (hopefully it will never be a choice that leads us to jail).  Choose your path wisely.  Joseph did---even as he fled away from Potipher’s wife—and in all that Joseph did the Lord made it prosper.  May this be a prosperous day for you.

Lord, guide our hearts, thoughts, words, and actions that what say and do may show the highest level of integrity, like Joseph, and like you.  May we be blessed and be a blessing to others.

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