Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23 - More Dreams for Joseph

Genesis 40-41

The cupbearer and baker of the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, offended Pharaoh, so he had them thrown into jail, where they were placed under the charge of Joseph.  Now these two men had dreams the same night and were sad that no one could interpret their dreams.  The cupbearer dreamed of a vine with three branches, grapes and a goblet into which he squeezed wine.  Joseph interpreted the dream to mean that in three days he would go back to serving as the king’s cupbearer.  That is what happened; only the cupbearer forgot about Joseph’s request of help to get him released from jail.

The baker’s dream was about a basket of bread on his head from which the birds were eating.  Joseph interpreted the dream to mean that the baker would die in three days---and that is what happened.

Two years later the Pharaoh had dreams about seven fat cows and seven scrawny cows and then about seven ears of grain.  He was upset by the dreams and no one among his magicians could interpret the dreams.  Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph, a Hebrew youth, who had interpreted his dream in jail.  So Pharaoh sent for Joseph who interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams to mean that God was going to give Egypt seven years of abundant harvest followed by seven years of famine.  Since the dream was repeated, the cows and then the grain, it meant that it was determined by God and it would happen very quickly.  So Joseph advised Pharaoh to take action and appoint an overseer in charge of the land and let him store up the excess produce in the seven years of abundance, reserving it for the years of famine.  Pharaoh saw how wise Joseph was, so he released Joseph from jail and made him second in charge of everything in the land.  He gave him a new linen garment, a gold necklace and his own signet ring.  He even gave him the priest’s daughter as his wife.

The abundance of the land happened just as Joseph had predicted and he wisely stored up food in all the cities of Egypt.  He and his wife had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, in the sixth year of abundance in the land.  After the seventh year of abundance, the land of Egypt and everywhere on the whole earth began to experience a famine, again, just as Joseph had predicted.  Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to people of Egypt and people of all the earth who came to Egypt to buy grain. 

Abundance and famine.  What a lesson for us---when we have plenty we should store up for the lean years.  There maybe years when we have spiritual abundance also---not just physical prosperity.  During those prosperous years, store up the good stuff.  In the lean years---be willing to share your stores.  When was the last time you felt like you had a “prosperous” year…maybe it wasn’t a whole year…just a season.  Stored up any spiritual treasures lately?

Lord, bless us with abundance that we may share with others, physically and spiritually.

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