Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2 - Fruit. The sacrifice of our God.

Result of Eating Forbidden Fruit
Before Adam and Eve ate their forbidden fruit meal, all their food was provided for them, fresh and juicy.  Little effort was involved in cultivating what God had already planted and He took care of the watering.  There were no weeds.  Adam and Eve merely reached out and picked what God so generously provided.
 Genesis 3:17-19 “The ground was cursed.”   Men throughout history since Adam have had to work for their food.  Backbreaking toil.  “Thorns and thistles shall grow for you,” said the Lord.  The weeds vied for the growing space, the water and the nutrients with the grain.  Harvesting the grain was more difficult with the presence of weeds.   Then there was the toil in grinding the grain, preparing and baking the bread.  Toil and sweat.  Separation from God.   Adam and Eve were not exactly “feasting” at God’s table.
Do you ever feel separated from God?  Rejected like the tares—the weeds--in the wheat?
Dear Lord – I don’t want to feel separated from you. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us---to restore our relationship with you.  

1 comment:

Mike said...

I often wonder if I had been in Adam's place could I have resisted the temptation. Or what if there had been more people at the time of Adam and Eve's sin. Could they have resisted the temptation after they saw what the consequences were for Adam and Eve. It might have been nice if God would have built a wall around the tree so that it was impossible to sin. Though without sin certain attributes of God would never be demonstrated like grace and mercy. I guess it is all part of the plan. Do you think God conquering our sin and showing grace and mercy draws us closer than if we had never sinned in the first place?