Saturday, November 10, 2018

Who is at the Door?

Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Revelation 3:20

No Doorknob...Really?!
My paternal grandparents had a picture of this scripture hanging on the wall in their living room. It wasn't the words of the scripture but a copy of a painting that was  done by Warner Sallman. You are probably familiar with the painting that shows Jesus standing at a large arched wooden door, knocking. There was also the same painting hanging on the wall of the entry at our church—so I frequently viewed this image growing up. I was always amazed that there was no doorknob. How was Jesus to open the door? The title of the painting is "Jesus Knocking at Heart's Door" so that isn't the door to someone's home, but the door to their very heart--their soul. 

What an honor to have Jesus knock at the door to your heart--and for you to ask Him to come in. He's promised that He will come in...if asked...and dine with you. Share a meal together as friends. You usually only share a meal with someone you like...or are somehow obligated to do so. With whom are you sharing your life...your hopes and dreams...your food and fellowship?

Prayer ~ Dear Jesus, open my ears and eyes to Your words…that I would listen and obey. Thank You for standing at the door of my heart and life--not forcing Yourself on me...but giving me the opportunity to invite You into my heart and life. Come in Lord Jesus. May we feast together on Your words. 

Daily Bible Reading: Luke 22; John 13


© 2018 Text and Photos by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted.
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