Monday, April 30, 2018

How Can I Describe the Kingdom of God?

Jesus said, "How can I describe the Kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it? It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade." Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables; but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.  Mark 4:30-34

Jesus wanted people to know about the Kingdom of God—and so He told them stories. His public ministry was in parables—but straight talk privately with His disciples.

In the Old Testament the Greek word translated as parable is a metaphor, similitude, sentence of ethical wisdom or an ingenious comparison of two things. It is similarly translated from the Hebrew in the New Testament. Although Jesus uses the word parable frequently in the New Testament, it is used in very few places in the Old Testament.
by exploring the meaning in these proverbs and parables, the words of the wise and their riddles. Proverbs 1:6
Then I said, "Ah Lord GOD! They are saying of me, 'Is he not just speaking parables?'" Ezekiel 20:49 NASB
I sent my prophets to warn you with many visions and parables. Hosea 12:10
Are any of these bits of lost coins?  Israel excavation. 
Jesus taught the crowds of people using stories to which they could relate—ordinary objects like coins, sheep, seeds and light from oil lamps. He described people that they knew— neighbors, farmers, and shepherds. The settings for those stories included houses next door, fields nearby and wilderness areas. People could relate to each of those…but only those who were truly listening heard what Jesus was teaching. As you’ve read through Jesus’ parables do you understand the point of His stories before He explains them? Do you think they apply to life today? How about this one about the mustard seed?

When we were growing up my sister had a necklace with a mustard seed trapped inside a small ball of clear plastic. That was pretty fancy sixty years ago…but easy today. It wasn’t about the technology…but about this parable that Jesus taught. God can take small things and transform them into tremendously large, strong and useful things. He can do the same with our lives. We can be transformed into useful people for God. Keep on growing in the Lord…and for the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Prayer ~ Dear Jesus…For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. You said…If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear (Mark 4:22-23 NASB) Open my ears, as well as my heart and mind to understanding Your Word.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalms 102-104

© 2018 Text and photos by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
All scripture quoted from the New Living Translation (NLT) unless otherwise noted
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