Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10 – God Loves…the World

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

This is probably the first verse that Christians memorize…and one that is taught to little children. God loved the world—all of mankind. It is this LOVE that we want to emulate in our lives—loving others. But the ultimate real love was shown by God’s son, Jesus, when He gave His life on the cross. Note that His life wasn’t taken from Him, He gave it up freely. 

God gives us a gift…sort of like Christmas. Imagine a nicely wrapped package with a beautiful bow. You open it and there is a note from God Himself offering you the gift of eternal life, salvation. All you have to do is “accept” the gift, acknowledging that you are a sinner (we all are), so that Jesus can take your sins to His cross, and then you are entitled to become adopted into God’s family and share in the plan of eternal life, just like promised in John 3:16. What a great gift and a wonderful plan. God planned that from the beginning of creation. He gave people free will—so they can decide for themselves if they want to spend eternity in Heaven with Him…or not. Those who choose “not” will be going to hell, a place of gnashing teeth in a lake of fire, eternally separated from God and His Love. 

Training Tip – God Love Us. Explain to your children that we have choices to make every day, actually every minute of every day. Tell the kiddos that I am praying for them to make good choices. One day they will have to decide for themselves where they will spend eternity. I hope that they choose to spend it with Jesus. I’ll be there. 

Lord – Thank you for giving up Your life for our sins—and for the brilliant plan that Our Heavenly Father has—the plan of salvation—eternal life for everyone who believes in You.
So how are you doing? As we look at the characteristics of Jesus—qualities that we are called to have in our own lives and put into our relationships we can ask ourselves several questions just to see how we are doing.

1.        Is my attitude the same as Christ Jesus? (Philippians 2:5)
2.        Do I have this quality in me…and if so, how much…do I need to work on it more?
3.        How do I show this character in my daily life?
4.        What is keeping me from attaining more of this character trait in my own life?
5.        Considering the scriptures, what can I do to put this attitude or characteristic into action, to improve it in my life?
6.        Am I teaching this character trait to my children, intentionally and by my example? 

Love does not stand alone. It needs interaction with other good character traits and an obedient attitude. So let’s look at some other character traits of Jesus in the coming days and weeks, with the assurance that Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, is lighting and guiding our path.

All scripture quoted from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.
© 2013 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.

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