Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5 – How Things Stand

Daniel 11:1-2
And I, in my turn, have been helping him out as best I can ever since the first year in the reign of Darius the Mede. But now let me tell you the truth of how things stand: Three more kings of Persia will show up, and then a fourth will become richer than all of them. When he senses that he is powerful enough as a result of his wealth, he will go to war against the entire kingdom of Greece.

War is a terrible thing what with people getting killed and hurt—all bloody, feeling angry, crying,  mistreated or abused. Then too there is such destruction of property that homes, businesses and government institutions are destroyed. Power hunger causes war. Power and pride. Children are often the innocent victims—not having enough food to eat, no place to call home, no parents or family to care for them, life or death situations or injuries. Wars and rumors of wars have constantly happened throughout history. Has there ever been a time of peace? Will there ever be a time of peace this side of heaven?

The kings that Daniel predicted to rule did indeed rule, just as foretold. The details of Daniel’s prophesy have created controversy—some claiming that it was written after the fact. We just have to trust that this was predicted, not just reported. The predictions from Daniel’s vision that are in the future are sure to happen. Whatever God days will happen, happens. We can put our trust in that. That is how things stand. Prophesy of doomsday events may not seem like something we want to "feast" on...but we can trust in the Lord, no matter what happen.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (NASB) Proverbs 3:5-6  So what difference does a “straight” path make? A straight path is one that is free from obstructions—we won’t get tripped up or fall down. It doesn’t meander around and get us lost along the way.

Lord, I acknowledge You as my Lord and Savior in all that I do. Guide me along straight paths and protect me, my friends and family from wars, those seen and unseen. Help me to be encouraging to others.
© 2012 by Mickey M. Hunacek. All rights reserved.
Scripture from The Message, except where noted.

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